
Digital Empowerment


Digital Empowerment

The adoption of technology in the Indian government ecosystem has positioned India at the centre of global attention. Government businesses will face massive disruptions in the 21st century and the next decade as a result of technological advancements.

Almost every sector has been disrupted by information technology, causing change on all scales, from individual daily activities to dramatic competition between global superpowers. Information technology (IT) is regarded as a pillar of all industries due to the widespread use of computers, the internet, and related systems.


Technology was mostly used by banks, large corporations, computer scientists, and mathematical engineers in the early 1960s and 1970s. Personal computers were introduced in the 1980s and 1990s, and IT began to be used in almost every sector, including large and small businesses, industries, education, government, defence, marketing, fashion, security, and journalism.

Digital technology

“Digital technology has the ability to bring together policies, processes, and tools in order to transform data into information and promote development for the benefit of humans. Technology assists in closing the gap between the service provider and the beneficiary maximum accuracy, with speed, and transparency, while also empowering all stakeholders by granting them access.”


During Covid-19, the most impactful use case of technology witnessed by the entire world was the delivery of services and information. During this pandemic, the world came to a halt, and technology was the only medium available to run the entire show of governments and businesses.

The use of technology in the government sector has also increased dramatically. India’s innovation ranking has raised 29 places in the last five years, from 81st in 2014 to 52nd today. In 2019, it was ranked 46th in the Global Innovation Index, and it will be ranked 46th in 2021. According to Bloomberg In the 2021 Innovation Index, India ranked 50th in terms of innovation. India is the most populous country in South Asia. The index includes only one country.

India has risen to fifth place in the global R&D rankings funding forecast 2021. India has been positioned as a global attraction and a knowledge powerhouse. The adoption of technology in the Indian government ecosystem has placed India at the centre of global attraction and is considered as a knowledge powerhouse. In the 21st century and in the next decade, he business of government is going to enormous experience disruptions due to the technological enhancements happening around the country. Not only has information technology contributed to the country’s economic growth, but it has also made governance more competent and approachable to Indian citizens.

Using technological advancements the government is employing a multi-pronged strategy to effectively address the problem. This campaign also encourages citizens to join the government in its anti-corruption efforts.


Technology also aids in the reduction of red tape, which reduces corruption by making it easier to fix the accountability of the relevant authorities and institutions. The use of digital processes in tax filing has also helped to reduce tax evasion, which was previously prevalent.

technological advancements

People’s preference for digital technology has also been influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic. With the majority of transactions now done digitally, there is little room for fraud. Digital literacy programmes, such as the Pradhan Mantri Grameen Digital Saksharta Abhiyan (PMGDISHA), are being expanded to increase transparency, which often leads to a reduction in corruption.

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Picture of Anshu Rawal

Anshu Rawal